Super wonderful trip!
Dear Devora,
It was such an amazing trip for us all.
Thank you and your dear mother for everything!!
All the best, Love Sharon
Hi Devorah
Thanks again for organizing such a meaningful and beneficial trip
Thanks so much
Hi Devorah
I have been really enjoying the Kivrei Tzaddikim tours (and meeting your family). I'm already wondering about the next trip... I would love to join one every month
Best regards
Hi devora
I can't thank you enough for an incredible
day with so many wonderful women and especially having the zechus of having the Rebbetzin with us.
Please keep me in mind when you plan any other trips
thanks againand may Hashem shower you with brochos,
I highly recommend the trip, it is an amazing experience on so many levels! It deepened my Tefillos and my Avodas Hashem.
To have the zchus to go to beautiful and holy places in Eretz Yisrael that you cannot get to on your own, being together with ladies who all have clal yisrael in their bests interests...
Devora, the trip coordinator thinks about every detail, both spiritual and physical.
Ever since the first trip, I wait in anticipation for the next!
Acharon acharon chaviv - Having the tremendous zechus to be with Rebbetzin Heller, to learn Torah and middos tovos from her.
Thank you
Dina Wilshinsky
Dear Devora,
It was such an amazing trip for us all.
Thank you and your dear mother for everything!!
All the best, Love Sharon
Hi Devorah
Thanks again for organizing such a meaningful and beneficial trip
Thanks so much
Hi Devorah
I have been really enjoying the Kivrei Tzaddikim tours (and meeting your family). I'm already wondering about the next trip... I would love to join one every month
Best regards
Hi devora
I can't thank you enough for an incredible
day with so many wonderful women and especially having the zechus of having the Rebbetzin with us.
Please keep me in mind when you plan any other trips
thanks againand may Hashem shower you with brochos,
I highly recommend the trip, it is an amazing experience on so many levels! It deepened my Tefillos and my Avodas Hashem.
To have the zchus to go to beautiful and holy places in Eretz Yisrael that you cannot get to on your own, being together with ladies who all have clal yisrael in their bests interests...
Devora, the trip coordinator thinks about every detail, both spiritual and physical.
Ever since the first trip, I wait in anticipation for the next!
Acharon acharon chaviv - Having the tremendous zechus to be with Rebbetzin Heller, to learn Torah and middos tovos from her.
Thank you
Dina Wilshinsky