Thoughts with Jewish Insight
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Thoughts with Jewish Insight
28/11/2021 The Menorah YouDear friends,
It's here! At least it is as here as it will be until it is really here! So…I am sending you a bit of Sfas Emes, and hope to (maybe) send you 8 selections- one for each night, before the holiday ends. NIGHT ONE We say the blessing for the miracles that Hashem did when we see the lit menorah. The reason for this is that we can feel the miracle that happened the first Chanukah when we think about the holiness of the menorah and its lights. The fact was, that at the time of the first Chanukah, the Jews didn't have enough oil, so they lit the menorah anyway with what they had. It’s telling you that you can change your world by using what you have. No two of you are the same, but each of you has a place inside that is pure, holy, and never can be defiled. In our times, we don't have the ancient menorah and we don't have pure oil sealed by the Kohen Gadol, what we have is the way that moment resonated. It generated something that can’t easily be put into words, but touches generation after generation of people who see the menorah and feel some kedushah and some hope. "A candle is a mitzvah, and Torah is light" When you look at your menorah, notice its 7 small cups that contain its oil, and the wicks that you use to have light. The mitzvahs are like the small cups. They are the “place” that can give your soul a place to be expressed. Each of your 248 easily seen organs, plus the motivational factors within you (love of Hashem, and awe of Hashem) are what make it possible for you to bring Hashem’s presence and light into your world. A hint of this is that the word for candle (ner) is 250 in gematria which is the sum of the 248 positive mitzvos, that express and bond you to Hashem. The mitzvos are the boat you can hold on to when there are storms all around you. The mitzvos “fly” when you discover the latent love and fear of Hashem which give your earthbound mitzvot the ability to fly till they reach their Source. The mitzvot and their “wings” equal the gematria of the word "Ner" which means candle. The final result is light. This hints at the Torah. Without its light, your deeds may be well intended, but ultimately you are shooting in the dark. The Torah addresses itself to real people, whose lives are unique, and the Torah speaks to each of you in her own language. Lighting the menorah is a mitzvah. The Chashmonaim knew this and recognized the echo of what that day meant. It’s power is still there today when we light the menorah. The menorah you. The actual menorah that was used in the Bais HaMikdash is hidden deep under the Temple Mount. There is a spiritual menorah hidden deep inside you, waiting for you to ignite it, and make a flame that will continue to inspire you. The light of Torah is there, whether you have actually learned recently or not, you have a portion of the Torah that belongs to you. You can use these days to ignite the light – the holiness of the moment can help you do it. There is a problem. You can't feel the miracle when you are unable/willing/aware of anything except the physical sensations and material reality that fit into that box called "nature" and "natural events". You can 't fill a cup with wine if it is full of water. When you say Hallel and praise Hashem, you can step out of the natural world just for at least that time, and find yourself suddenly feeling something of the miracles that happened so many years ago. Much love, and chanukah sameach, Tziporah Comments are closed.