Thoughts with Jewish Insight
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Thoughts with Jewish Insight
16/5/2021 AHAVAS YISROEL RESPONSEDear Friends,
Please see the attached flyer announcing the AHAVAS YISRAEL RESPONSE - our response to the Meron tragedy. The AHAVAS YISRAEL RESPONSE is a 45 day initiative to activate your community and communities around the world to start and join Ahavas Yisrael discussion groups for women. Each week, a pre-prepared lesson will be emailed to group leaders to read with their group. It will include an Ahavas Yisrael topic, a relevant story, a few discussion questions and a bite-sized "stretch of the week" in Ahavas Yisrael. Women are encouraged to host groups on Shabbos, but any day of the week can work. You can even start a group via zoom! This initiative is associated with the original Ahavas Yisrael Project, founded by Rebetzin Tziporah Harris in 2008. Ladies, we need you to answer the call! Forty five (מ"ה) kedoshim were taken from this world on Lag Baomer. We have to respond! WHAT can we do? What can YOU do? Start a group. Join a group. It's that simple! Sign up, invite your friends and neighbors and receive weekly emails to be read aloud in your group. Then, experience firsthand the power of connecting and growing with a chaburah! Join by Thursday, May 20th ( 9th of Sivan) so you can be connected with all the other groups during this 45 day initiative. One group member said the following, after just 2 lessons: "At the beginning, when one of my neighbors launched the idea of starting a group in our neighborhood, I was skeptical. I didn't think change could really happen within a group and especially, with such a diverse group of women. But I still signed up, as I wanted a shiur or something... to fill my Shabbos afternoons. From week one, I saw the power of a chaburah, of group work and the effect of small things that can change your whole mindset. Because your focus is on the practical task all week, your mindset is different and positive, and you start to change and improve in Ahavas Yisrael. I truly recommend this project as an opportunity for growth in a practical and exciting way! It goes without saying how much I gain from meeting women I wouldn't have met before and I enjoy connecting with them in a more meaningful way." - a Ramat Beit Shemesh Resident (See the attached short video from Rebetzin Heller-Gottlieb about this initiative.) Our goal is to have Ahavas Yisrael groups on every street, in every neighborhood! Please forward this message to neighbors, friends, family.. every woman you know! :) Sharing this message is just one more effort you can make towards increasing Ahavas Yisrael! This initiative is dedicated: לעילוי נשמת קדושי מירון ז"ל; לרפואת יוסף עזריאל בן חיה מיכל; לרפואת אלעזר בן ראומה (You can host a group in your home in the merit of someone that you know that needs a yeshuah!) If you can't host a group in your own home, then please encourage one of your neighbors to host. And share, share, share this message with other women! Tizku l'Mitzvos! And in the merit of our efforts, may we all merit the coming of Moshiach speedily in our days! With love , THE AHAVAS YISRAEL RESPONSE [email protected] Comments are closed.